添加时间:From hardware breakthroughs…that encrypt fingerprints and faces securely—and only—on your device。。。To simple and powerful notifications that make clear to every user precisely what they’re sharing and when they are sharing it。
In the mid-19th Century, the great American writer Henry David Thoreau found himself so fed up with the pace and change of Industrial society that he moved to a cabin in the woods by Walden Pond。 Call it the first digital cleanse。 Yet even there, where he hoped to find a bit of peace, he could hear a distant clatter and whistle of a steam engine passing by。 “We do not ride on the railroad,” he said。 “It rides upon us”。Those of us who are fortunate enough to work in technology have an enormous responsibility。 It is not to please every grumpy Thoreau out there。 That’s an unreasonable standard, and we’ll never meet it。
在欧洲,德国上季度勉强躲过了一场衰退,其收益率曲线在接近反转后也变得陡峭。英国和日本的增长依然低迷,这两个国家8月份的收益率曲线都是反向的,但自那以来,长期债券收益率的涨幅超过了市场预期。锚定短期收益率是全球政策制定者发出的信号,表明他们将在2019年的货币宽松政策后暂停。美国联邦储备委员会(Federal Reserve)鲍威尔(Jerome Powell)和他的同事说,在今年减息0.75个百分点后,目前的政策状况良好,并暗示任何收紧措施都存在较高的通胀障碍。欧洲央行(European Central Bank)总裁拉加德(Christine Lagarde)可能会向各国政府施压,要求它们提供财政支持,因为她进一步下调利率的空间有限。